vEmpire DDAO is the world’s largest Decentralized Metaverse InvestmentOrganization. The official vEmpire protocol incorporates differentstrategies to incentivize Metaverse token staking to fund the battleagainst centralisation.vEmpire is entirely focused on protecting decentralized technologiesthrough virtual property and Metaversal asset acquisition.
Low | Medium | High | Critical | Total | |
Not fixed | 3 | - | - | - | 3 |
Fixed | - | - | - | - | 0 |
Total | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
# | Github Repository | Commit Hash | File | Url |
1 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/governancedao/Timelock.sol | Check on Github |
2 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | nft-foundation/artifacts/@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol | Check on Github |
3 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/proxy/AdminUpgradeabilityProxy.sol | Check on Github |
4 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/mock/MockTimeLockTesting.sol | Check on Github |
5 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/mock/MockToken.sol | Check on Github |
6 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | nft-foundation/artifacts/@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/beacon/IBeaconUpgradeable.sol | Check on Github |
7 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/staking/LiquidityPoolV2.sol | Check on Github |
8 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | smart-contract/contracts/game/Airdrop.sol | Check on Github |
9 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | nft-foundation/artifacts/@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/AccessControlUpgradeable.sol | Check on Github |
10 | v-Empire/vEmpire | 07a70a14e15d443ae66660eac4969bb57d35ef33 | nft-plebeian-council/contracts/mocks/IERC721ReceiverMock.sol | Check on Github |